Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Game of the Week: Unseen Paparazzi

It's time I teach you all to play a wonderful little game I made up myself.It's called the Unseen Paparazzi Game.
That's basically a nice way of saying stalking...
This is a great game to play at mass social gatherings, preferably well lit ones, with one or two friends.

What you'll need:
A Camera
A Target (A friend who doesn't know you are at said well lit gathering)
Places to hide

1. Identify target.
2. Stake out gathering area. Where are the places to hide? Are there trees? Signs? Buildings?
3. Follow target around, taking copious amounts of pictures of them, their activities, and their friends. The longer you do this the better! Head on shots are the best.
4. Make sure you are not seen by the target or any of their associates, unless you can signal the associates to not give you away.
5. Don't let the target know of your presence for the entirety of the event.
6. Upon returning home upload all the pictures you've taken onto facebook and tag your target.
7. Watch as hilarity insues!

1. If you're discovered it is extremely embarassing.
2. People who notice you are hiding behind them will make faces at you.
3. If you don't pick the right target you will go down in history as the creepiest person ever, that's right, you'll unseat Crispin Glover.
4. Using flash is risky.
5. Play with too many friends or get cocky and you risk getting caught.

Remember while some call it stalking - we call it love. Now have fun!

This game is for ages 9 and Up.

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